In my long career in Human Resources, the worst part has always been terminations. And, Let’s face it, some terminations are worse than others. Especially when the termination is not the employee’s fault. You know the ones: the layoffs, job eliminations, or the hire that was a mistake on the employer’s part. And yes, you give that employee a severance package to help them transition to the next position. This is where cost-effective outplacement allows you to do more.
I know Outplacement used to be a luxury that some companies provide and you might think Outplacement is so expensive that you would never get approved or only get approval to give Outplacement to senior employees. In reality, when layoffs or a sensitive termination are necessary, the right Cost-effective Outplacement has a good ROI.
I’ve listed a few the advantages of providing Outplacement.
- Employee Finds a Job More Quickly
- Preserves Company Reputation
- Maintains the Morale of remaining employees
- Reduces Risk
- Lowers Unemployment Cost
When terminating or laying off employees, Outplacement is good for both the exiting employee and the company providing it. The list of advantages to the company is long.
At SMARTer Job Hunting, we take a modern approach to Outplacement, mixing online training with group and individual coaching to provide the best learning environment. We offer your company a selection of cost-effective outplacement packages to meet the company’s and the individual’s needs.
Seamless transition: The setup and transition is seamless and easy for you and your Company.
Turnkey solution setup in advance: By setting up in advance, Outplacement becomes a turnkey solution that is fast to initiate.
Responsive to your Company Needs: We will ensure that the exiting employees are transitioned and taken care of quickly so that your HR Department and Management Team can take care of the other needs in the company.
Affordable packages: SMARTer Job Hunting’s pricing is affordable. It offers a variety of cost-effective outplacement packages, meaning you pay only for the services each exiting employee needs.
Our range of cost-effective outplacement packages are designed to meet your company’s needs and ensure that the company’s reputation, employee morale, and ability to recruit in the future are preserved, showing shareholders, other employees, customers and the public that this is a company that cares for its people.
SMARTer Job Hunting provides your exiting employees with the knowledge, advanced search tools, career guidance and coaching support needed to accelerate finding a job they will treasure and shows your company cares for its employees. Our affordable cost-effective Outplacement packages provide your company a professional transition for your exiting employees.
For more information about SMARTer Job Hunting Outplacement products and services, visit our website at or email
We look forward to talking with you about how we can help when you need to lay off or terminate employees.
Read this Forbes article about the value of helping employees.
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